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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Jawatan Kosong Terkini Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL ... - Kerja Kosong Kuala Lumpur

<b>Jawatan Kosong</b> Terkini Dewan Bandaraya <b>Kuala Lumpur</b> (DBKL <b>...</b> - Kerja Kosong Kuala Lumpur

<b>Jawatan Kosong</b> Terkini Dewan Bandaraya <b>Kuala Lumpur</b> (DBKL <b>...</b>

Posted: 18 Jan 2014 07:25 AM PST

Jawatan Kosong Terkini Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) - Februari 2014

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<b>Kerja Kosong Kuala Lumpur</b>: Jawatan Kosong Dewan Bandaraya <b>...</b>

Posted: 20 Jan 2014 03:38 PM PST

Accounts Executive - Your Part Time Sdn. Bhd. - Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:23 AM PST

Kuala Lumpur - place and expansion, they are now looking for a Discipline Manager for Process Engineering to compliment the existing successful team with the Kuala... Lumpur execution centre. In addition to the obvious, the ideal candidate will require the following. 15 years' relevant experience in the...

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Program Architect / CTO - Banking technologies - Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:23 AM PST

Segambut, Kuala Lumpur - . -Applicants should be Malaysian or hold relevant residence status. Working Location: Segambut, Kuala Lumpur Working Hours: 8.30am to 6.00pm (Monday...

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Project Manager - Infrastructure (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:23 AM PST

Ambition Group Singapore Pte Ltd - Kuala Lumpur - , but they are position Kuala Lumpur as central to many of the key operations including IT and Technology Transformation. This is leading to the creation of a number of new...

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Principal Technical Safety Engineer - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:23 AM PST

SearchElect Pte Ltd - Kuala Lumpur - your self-learning. Email: SearchElect Pte Ltd Project Manager - Infrastructure (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) Job Summary Company Name SearchElect Pte Ltd... Locations Kuala Lumpur Experience 5 - 15 years Keywords / Skills Business Development, Enterprise, Solutions, Project, Infrastructure, Strategy...

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Principal Technical Safety Engineer - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Leap29

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:23 AM PST

Kuala Lumpur - expertise to the offshore Oil & Gas sector. They are a market leader in South East Asia and currently have Senior level requirements for the Kuala Lumpur...

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Treasury Services Manager, Vice President (Kuala Lumpur)

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:23 AM PST

Kuala Lumpur - expertise to the offshore Oil & Gas sector. They are a market leader in South East Asia and currently have Senior level requirements for the Kuala Lumpur...

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Restaurant Manager - Your Part Time Sdn. Bhd. - Intermark, Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Ambition Group Singapore Pte Ltd - Kuala Lipis, Pahang - to join the team based in Kuala Lumpur. You will be managing a team of Implementation and Servicing Advisors to deliver high quality cash/trade implementation...

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Senior BI (OBIEE) Analyst Permanent Position @ Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Kuala Lumpur - communicate in English, Malay and Chinese. Working Location: Kuala Lumpur, Intermark Working Hours: 6 days per week 10am-11pm/ 12pm-10pm Salary...

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Chinese Speaking Junior Hair Stylist by Broadway Plt - Your Part Time Sdn. Bhd. - Publika, Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Zentact Systems Sdn.Bhd - Kuala Lumpur - your self-learning. Email: Zentact Systems Sdn.Bhd Senior BI (OBIEE) Analyst Permanent Position @ Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia Job Summary Company Name Zentact... Systems Sdn.Bhd Locations Kuala Lumpur Experience 4 - 13 years Keywords / Skills OBIEE, Informatica,HRA,BI, PL/SQL,Oracle BI Server, BI reports Education...

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Senior Commercial & Risk Manager - Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Kuala Lumpur - , Kuala Lumpur Salary: RM 1,200 - RM1,800 + Commission + EPF + Socso REQUIREMENT Years Of Experience : 1 Year Age Range : 20-30 Salary Range : RM...

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Principal Technical Safety Engineer - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Malaysia

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Malaysia - [US$130,000 - US$150,000] The Position Reporting to the Project Director, the Senior Commercial & Risk Manager will be responsible for the project management of the contracts, costing and commercial risk for the entire project and which will include tender and bid management across all packages and...

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Senior M&E Manager - Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Kuala Lumpur city centre, Kuala Lumpur - expertise to the offshore Oil & Gas sector. They are a market leader in South East Asia and currently have Senior level requirements for the Kuala Lumpur...

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Senior Structural Engineer – Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (STAFF)

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Malaysia - [US$130,000 - US$150,000] The Position Reporting to the Project Director, the Senior M&E Manager will be responsible for the project management of the M&E, IT, HVAC P&S and M&E risk with the capability to provide necessary technical, commercial and strategic input from design through installation an...

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Solution Analyst (COBOL/400,CSC Systems)Contract Position @ Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

RedCat Energy - Kuala Lumpur - To apply for this job click the "Apply for this job" button at the bottom of this advert. + Senior Structural Engineer – Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur... (STAFF) RedCat Energy Senior Structural Engineer - Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (STAFF) Responsibilities (Obligation to ensure that the action is taken...

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Senior Structural Engineer – Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (STAFF), RedCat Energy

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Zentact Systems Sdn.Bhd - Kuala Lumpur - your self-learning. Email: Zentact Systems Sdn.Bhd Solution Analyst (COBOL/400,CSC Systems)Contract Position @ Kuala Lumpur. Job Summary Company Name Zentact... Systems Sdn.Bhd Locations Kuala Lumpur Nationality Malaysia (Candidates authorized to work in the above mention countries are also eligible...

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SAP Consultants, Permanent Position @ Kuala Lumpur (Only Malaysians)

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Kuala Lumpur - Senior Structural Engineer - Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (STAFF) Responsibilities (Obligation to ensure that the action is taken): To provide...

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Sous-Chef - Your Part Time Sdn. Bhd. - Intermark, Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Zentact Systems Sdn.Bhd - Kuala Lumpur - your self-learning. Email: Zentact Systems Sdn.Bhd SAP Consultants, Permanent Position @ Kuala Lumpur (Only Malaysians) Job Summary Company Name Zentact... Systems Sdn.Bhd Locations Kuala Lumpur Nationality Malaysia (Candidates authorized to work in the above mention countries are also eligible...

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Senior Petrophysicist – Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Kuala Lumpur - - Be uncompromising in achieving company standards - Able to work on shift, weekends and public holidays Working Location: Kuala Lumpur, Intermark Working Hours...

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Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Malaysia - Senior Petrophysicist – Kuala Lumpur Company: Major International Oil and Gas Operator – working in a division providing fully integrated field...

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Senior Architect - Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Kuala Lumpur - Office EVALUATION ANALYST Location : Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA Application Deadline : 15-Jan-14 Type of Contract : Service Contract Post...

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Bloomberg, Emerging Markets Reporter - Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Malaysia - [US$100,000+(min)] The Position: The position holds the key responsibilities mainly including project management of the architecture, interior design, façade and design risk. The incumbent will bring in a set of unique skills that enhance every project outcome for almost all types of clients; at the...

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Bloomberg BAT Campus Ambassador Kuala Lumpur (Temporary) Job

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Kuala Lumpur - Bloomberg News seeks a stocks reporter to work in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia as part of our emerging markets team. The candidate will be required to make...

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Restaurant Supervisor - Your Part Time Sdn. Bhd. - Intermark, Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Bloomberg - Kuala Lumpur - Bloomberg BAT Campus Ambassador Kuala Lumpur (Temporary)Job Requisition Number: 37326Asia PacificKuala Lumpur - MYSThe Role:Bloomberg...

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Junior Hair Stylist - Your Part Time Sdn. Bhd. - Publika, Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Kuala Lumpur - skills. - Maintain good personal grooming and hygiene at all times. Working Location: Kuala Lumpur, Intermark Working Hours: 6 days per week 10am...

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Safety & Loss Prevention - Dicipline Manager, Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur, RedCat Energy

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Kuala Lumpur - : Publika, Kuala Lumpur Salary: RM 1,200 - RM1,800 + Commission + EPF + Socso Company Description is an online service to match...

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Retail Manager (Kuala Lumpur)

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Kuala Lumpur - place and expansion, they are now looking for a Discipline Manager for Process Engineering to compliment the existing successful team with the Kuala... Lumpur execution centre. In addition to the obvious, the ideal candidate will require the following. 15 years' relevant experience in the...

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Account Executive by ELK-Desa Capital Sdn Bhd - Your Part Time Sdn. Bhd. - Pudu, Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Kuala Lumpur - Title: Retail Manager (Kuala Lumpur) Company / Individual Name The Advertiser Contact Person The Advertiser Position Advertised Retail Manager... (Kuala Lumpur) Address Kuala Lumpur Position Level V Select Town / District Kuala Lumpur Employment Type Full Time Tel By Email Only Industry Mktg/Sales...

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Java Developer - Arahe Solutions Sdn Bhd - Plaza Mont Kiara, Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Pudu, Kuala Lumpur - are welcome encouraged to apply. Working Location: Jalan Pudu,Kuala Lumpur Working Days: Monday to Friday (8.45am to 5.30) Saturday (8.45am to 1pm) Salary...

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Safety & Loss Prevention - Dicipline Manager, Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Mont Kiara, Kuala Lumpur - business results to our customers - which include some of the biggest names around. Today, Arahe is established with offices in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia...

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Analyst Programmer - Your Part Time Sdn. Bhd. - Fraser Business Park, Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

RedCat Energy - Kuala Lumpur - , Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur RedCat Energy A unique opportunity to join the world's number one Offshore Oil & Gas contractor who specialise within the FPSO... successful team with the Kuala Lumpur execution centre. In addition to the obvious, the ideal candidate will require the following. 15 years' relevant...

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Process Engineering - Dicipline Manager, Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Kuala Lumpur - Park, Kuala Lumpur Working Hours: 8.30am to 6.00pm (Monday to Friday) Alternate Saturday (8.30am - 1.00pm) Salary Range: Prompt monthly salary...

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Sales Executive (Art Gallery) - Art Square - Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

RedCat Energy - Kuala Lumpur - - Kuala Lumpur RedCat Energy A unique opportunity to join the world's number one Offshore Oil & Gas contractor who specialise within the FPSO industry... successful team with the Kuala Lumpur execution centre. In addition to the obvious, the ideal candidate will require the following. 15 years' relevant...

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Principal Technical Safety Engineer - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur - Job Description We are looking for energetic and passionate sales executives to be based in Kuala Lumpur. Training and product knowledge...

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Shampoo Girl - Your Part Time Sdn. Bhd. - Publika, Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Leap29 - Kuala Lumpur - To apply for this job click the "Apply for this job" button at the bottom of this advert. + Principal Technical Safety Engineer - Kuala Lumpur... engineering expertise to the offshore Oil & Gas sector. They are a market leader in South East Asia and currently have Senior level requirements for the Kuala...

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Unix Admin Permanent Position @ Petaling Jaya & Kuala Lumpur (Malaysians Required)

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Kuala Lumpur - - 10pm (Must commit 6 day a week) Working Location: Publika, Kuala Lumpur Salary: Depends on experience Company Description YourPartTime...

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Manager (Art Gallery) - Art Square - Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Zentact Systems Sdn.Bhd - Kuala Lumpur - your self-learning. Email: Zentact Systems Sdn.Bhd Unix Admin Permanent Position @ Petaling Jaya & Kuala Lumpur (Malaysians Required) Job Summary Company Name... Zentact Systems Sdn.Bhd Locations Kuala Lumpur Nationality Malaysia (Candidates authorized to work in the above mention countries are also eligible...

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Lead Solutions Architect - (Infrastructure) Fantastic Opportunity - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur - gallery in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur. Good performance will be rewarded with promotion and attractive remuneration. Duties: Manage the day-to-day operations...

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Tamil speaking Account Assistant by Aivar Enterprise Sdn Bhd - Your Part Time Sdn. Bhd. - Brickfields, KL, Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Networkers MSB/ Networkers International Sdn Bhd - Kuala Lumpur - your self-learning. | Submit resume to Find Better jobs in Kuala Lumpur 70000+ live jobs on monster as per experience in It Industry, to apply register... - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Job Summary Company Name: Networkers MSB/ Networkers International Sdn Bhd Location: Kuala Lumpur Experience: 8 - 14 Years Keywords...

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Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur - - Fresh graduated are welcome - Independent, self-motivated and responsible Working Location Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur Working Time 9.00am to 6...

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Senior Technology Specialist - Your Part Time Sdn. Bhd. - Fraser Business Park, Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Kuala Lumpur - Klang, Selangor - must be willing to work in Kuala Lumpur. Executives currently in Marketing/Business development positions or equivalent are preferred. Outgoing personality...

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Waiter & Waitress ( Full time & Part Time) - Your Part Time Sdn. Bhd. - Intermark, Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Kuala Lumpur - knowledge in various Windows OS platform. Working Location: Fraser Business Park, Kuala Lumpur Working Hours: 8.30am to 6.00pm (Monday to Friday...

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Graphic Designer - Art Square - Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Kuala Lumpur - Working Location: Kuala Lumpur, Intermark Working Hours: 6 days per week 10am-11pm/ 12pm-10pm Salary Range: Full Time : RM 1,500 - RM 1,800 + EPF...

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Restaurant Manager by Chinese Cuisine - Your Part Time Sdn. Bhd. - Intermark, Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur - Job Description We are looking for creative Graphic Designer cum Website Designer to be based in Kuala Lumpur. Good performance will be rewarded...

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Marketing Executive (Art Gallery) - Art Square - Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Kuala Lumpur - , Malay and Chinese. Working Location: Kuala Lumpur, Intermark Working Hours: 6 days per week 10am-11pm/ 12pm-10pm Salary Range: RM 3,500 - RM 4...

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Analyst Programmer - Your Part Time Sdn. Bhd. - Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur - gallery in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur. Good performance will be rewarded with promotion and attractive remuneration. Duties Develop and expand business, sales...

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Principal Technical Safety Engineer - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Kuala Lumpur - Park, Kuala Lumpur Working Hours: 8.30am to 6.00pm (Monday to Friday) Alternate Saturday (8.30am - 1.00pm) Salary Range: Prompt monthly salary...

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Senior Technology Specialist - Your Part Time Sdn. Bhd. - Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Kuala Lumpur - expertise to the offshore Oil & Gas sector. They are a market leader in South East Asia and currently have Senior level requirements for the Kuala Lumpur...

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Shampoo girl by Broadway Plt (Chinese, Female) - Your Part Time Sdn. Bhd. - Publika, Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Kuala Lumpur - knowledge in various Windows OS platform. Working Location: Fraser Business Park, Kuala Lumpur Working Hours: 8.30am to 6.00pm (Monday to Friday...

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Chinese speaking System Support Engineer by Smart MSP Sdn Bhd - Your Part Time Sdn. Bhd. - Old Klang Road, Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:22 AM PST

Kuala Lumpur - Location: Publika, Kuala Lumpur Salary: Depends on experience REQUIREMENT Years Of Experience : 1 Year Age Range : 18-35 Salary Range : RM 0...

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Walk In Interview 2014 at AirAsia Berhad - <b>Jawatan Kosong</b> Kerajaan

Posted: 05 Feb 2014 10:00 AM PST

Walk In Interview 2014 at AirAsia BerhadWalk In Interview 2014 at AirAsia Berhad

AirAsia Berhad is a Malaysian low-cost airline headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It has been named as the world's best low-cost airline,[4] and a pioneer of low-cost travel in Asia.[5] AirAsia group operates scheduled domestic and international flights to 78 destinations spanning 25 countries. Its main hub is the Low-Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA).

We are looking for dynamic, positive and highly motivated individuals who share our passion for the ultimate excellence in service and help contribute to our growth. So if you love travelling and dream of experiencing the world, come join our AirAsia Allstars family :

1. Cabin Crew



Senai International Airport
81250, Johor Bahru, Johor Darul Ta'zim


AirAsia Berhad
L2L-02 Terminal Building
Kuching International Airport
93756 Kuching, Sarawak

AirAsia Berhad
Penang International Airport Lot 315
Mezzanine Floor, Level 3,
11900 Bayan Lepas, Pulau Pinang

Kuala Lumpur Jalan Sultan Ismail
50250 Kuala Lumpur


Open to Malaysians only (Male/Female)

Age: 20 – 35 years old
(Age 18 must produce PLKN clearance – bring along Certificate of Completion or Semakan Pelatih from

Height: Female – min. 157cm, max. 170cm barefoot
Male – min. 170cm, max. 180cm barefoot

Minimum Criteria:

• SPM with CREDIT in English and Bahasa Malaysia

Graduates from any disciplines are encouraged to apply.

Absolutely essential:

-Outgoing, fun and stunning personality
-Inexhaustible smile, vibrant and energetic
-Fluency in written/spoken English and Bahasa Malaysia
-Good communication skills
-Possess a positive attitude with the natural ability to provide excellent service working within a team environment, & dealing with people from all cultures.

Dress code: Female- Smart casual,(strictly, knee length dress/skirt only) with full make up,
Male- Smart casual and stylish

Application details:

-Completed application form , available @
-Original & copies of certificates of Higher Education or its equivalent
- SPM with Credit in English and Bahasa Melayu
-Latest CV (Please print from Jobstreet)
-Original and copies of NRIC
-1 copy of latest passport size photograph (head & shoulder)
-1 copy of latest full body photograph (postcard size)

*Experienced crews are encouraged to apply

*Position is based in LCC Terminal, Sepang, Malaysia

Only shortlisted candidate will be notified.

For more information on these vacancies and how to apply, please visit the link below.
Advertising Job Vacancies 

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